The best ways to whiten your teeth at home

It is recommended to use activated charcoal, lemon juice, peroxide and apple cider vinegar. Everyone dreams of a snow-white smile, but most people’s teeth rarely have a white color from nature. Many solve this problem not at home, but in the offices of dentists, but the costly whitening procedures that they offer, by far not everyone can afford.

whiten your teeth at home

There is another proven way to become the owner of a luxurious smile without harm to one’s own health – this is a quick teeth whitening with the use of folk remedies that are very inexpensive and available to everyone. Properly implement this procedure at home will help some professional advice.

For this purpose, houses use such available means as soda, freshly prepared lemon juice, activated charcoal, cooking or sea salt. All this is present in every kitchen, it is inexpensive and easy to apply without special skills. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to cause damage to the enamel – for example, baking soda is capable not only of whitening it well but also slightly scratching, so it should be applied carefully and gently to the surface of the teeth.

If you do everything right, then already in a short time at home, it is quite realistic to achieve the goal – to become the owner of the radiant health of a smile.

Teeth whitening with activated charcoal

The simplest way to achieve the desired without harm is tooth whitening with activated charcoal. Although the activated charcoal capsules are black, they are able to whiten their teeth perfectly, and all thanks to potassium hydroxide, the fine crystals of which qualitatively and effectively clean the surface of the teeth.

Here are just a few proven ways to whiten the enamel of the house with this tool:

Crush the activated charcoal into powder, then add a little water to it and stir to the consistency of gruel. The substance must be applied to the brush and simply cleaned by the teeth. Apply in the home such a simple method can be regular.

The crushed activated charcoal can be added periodically to your toothpaste on the brush.

In order to significantly increase the bleaching effect of coal, the pounded tablets can be mixed with a drop of lemon juice, then apply the resulting mixture to the tooth enamel, and hold it there for a while, rinse the teeth with water.

Dentists say that using coal tablets at home costs a couple of times a week. In addition to the whitening effect, the remedy will ensure disposal of bacteria that live and reproduce in the most inaccessible places.

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