Functional Foods

Sugar can damage our teeth, so we are constantly told what foods to avoid. Avoiding anything that leaves sugar in your mouth is a good idea. By removing sugar-containing food particles, regular brushing and flossing will help. Are there foods that actually help our teeth? There is evidence that certain foods promote oral health.

These foods are good for your teeth:


Both black and green teas contain polyphenols. They slow down the growth of bacteria which cause gum disease and cavities. Researchers found that those who rinsed with black tea 10 times per day for one minute had less plaque than people who rinsed with water. Tea reduces bacteria’s ability to combine with others and cause more harm. It is useful to fight bad breath with black tea. And it can be enjoyable too. Consider an Afternoon tea box delivery from who supply Afternoon tea box delivery.

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They aren’t bad for teeth because they taste sweet. Raisins do not contain table sugar or sucrose. The phytochemicals in raisins help kill bacteria. It is also well known that they can inhibit the growth of gum disease-associated bacteria.


The acidic mouth level of teens who consumed cheddar cheese was lower than that of those who drank milk, or ate yoghurt without sugar. The study found that the acidity levels dropped dramatically at various intervals after the teens rinsed out their mouths with water. The yoghurt and milk tests did not show any drop. Therefore, cheese is an excellent neutraliser for plaque acid.

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Crunchy Food

Crunching seems to be an efficient way of removing plaque from the mouth. It takes some effort to break down food like apples and carrots, but it is worth it. This could explain why you feel like your mouth is always cleaner. After just finishing an apple, your mouth will feel fresher.

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