8 Do’s and Don’ts When Undergoing Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign braces are now one of the most highly recommended and sought-after dental treatments for everyone, from teenagers to adults. These clear aligners can correct a number of dental problems, which include gapped and overcrowded teeth, simple bite irregularities, crossbites, and overbites.

These dental issues can be corrected without going through the uncomfortable, often painful experience that traditional metal braces come with.

Additionally, since Invisalign braces are removable, you can still eat any food you want while undergoing this treatment. Simply remove them before having a meal or snack.

Moreover, maintaining dental hygiene is easy since you can remove the aligners when brushing and flossing. This also makes cleaning the braces a breeze, as well.


Guaranteeing the Success of Your Treatment

Although Invisalign braces are more convenient and comfortable and produce excellent results, there are things you have to do to ensure you get the most from this treatment.

Below are the eight do’s and don’ts you have to remember before and while wearing your invisible braces:


1.     Make sure Invisalign is the best treatment for you

Before you decide to get clear aligners to correct an orthodontic issue, you need to be certain that they can treat it.

Invisalign cannot fix serious orthodontic issues such as intrusions and extrusions, midline movements of the front teeth, and large gaps. If you have any of these, you will have to wear traditional metal braces.

Your dentist or orthodontist is the best person to tell you if Invisalign will help you have straighter, correctly aligned teeth. Your specialist will carefully assess your dental issue and recommend the most suitable treatment that will fix it.

2.     Wear your aligners for 20 to 22 hours each day

Although you can remove your braces, it doesn’t mean that you should take them out of your teeth for long periods of time. You should only take them off when eating, drinking dark beverages, and brushing and flossing.

During your first appointments with your dentist or orthodontist, you will be given a treatment plan, which will include your realignment schedule. This pertains to the days you have to replace your Invisalign trays.

If your dental issue is not too serious, you can expect the treatment to last about a year. This means you will have to wear around 20 to 30 different Invisalign trays. You will have to replace these every two weeks or so.

To ensure your realignment schedule won’t be affected and the treatment duration extended, wear your invisible braces for at least 20 to 22 hours every day. Doing so will also prevent the risk of your teeth shifting back into their crooked position.

3.     Take care of your aligners

Your invisible aligners are prone to bacteria as well. Because of this, you need to keep them clean.

While carrying out your dental hygiene habits, clean the trays using a soft-bristled and anti-bacterial soap. Soak them regularly in the specially designed solution your dentist gave you.

Additionally, always store your aligners in their protective case during meals whenever you take them out. Rinse them with water before putting them on after eating as well.

4.     Maintain your oral hygiene habits

Since you can remove your aligners, you have no excuse to forget taking care of your teeth.

Brush at least twice a day and floss once daily. Although you can eat and drink anything, to have healthy, cavity-free teeth, limit your intake of sugary foods and drinks.

Lastly, see your dentist as scheduled and whenever you have any dental problems, such as a wisdom tooth extraction, and other emergencies.


5.     Forget you are wearing invisible aligners

No matter how comfortable and indiscernible your Invisalign braces are, never forget you are wearing them.

Do not eat, chew, or drink teeth-staining beverages while wearing them. If you do, you can cause irreparable damage to the aligners, which will mean you will have to pay extra to have them replaced.

Additionally, remember that you are wearing an expensive orthodontic appliance. As such, be careful of how you handle them. Avoid pulling the trays out of your mouth carelessly since you might crack or break them.

6.     Put back your aligners on if your teeth are not clean

After eating, try to brush or floss and rinse your mouth before wearing the trays again.

When you don’t remove the leftover food particles on your teeth and put on the aligners again, they will be trapped on your pearly whites. These can then cause cavities, which, in turn, can lead to different dental problems.

If you can’t brush or floss your teeth, rinse with water. And try to get your hands on a toothbrush and toothpaste as soon as possible.

7.     Leave the trays lying out in the open

As soon as you have taken out your aligners, put them inside the case. Do not place them on top of your plate or tissue.

When you leave your braces out in the open, you will expose them to the bacteria in the air. And when you wear them without rinsing them, these harmful microbes will be transferred to your mouth.

To avoid exposing your aligners to harmful bacteria, always bring their case wherever you go.

8.     Use abrasive products to clean your aligners

Lastly, you may think that toothpaste and soap are the best products for cleaning your trays. Unfortunately, this is not true.

Most brands of toothpaste and liquid soap contain abrasive ingredients that can scratch the aligners, which can then affect their transparent appearance.

To keep your trays clean, use clear liquid soap, one that is recommended by your dentist or orthodontist. Only use the given solution for soaking your aligners, too.

To get the most from your Invisalign treatment and your investment, keep these do’s and don’ts in mind. Always consult your dentist regarding any issue you may encounter, as well.



Dr. Zul Paliwalla is the General and Cosmetic British Dentist at NOA Dental Clinic, specializing in smile-related concerns. With over 33 years of experience in the UK, Dr. Zul has successfully worked on and improved many internationally recognized smiles. He is a certified Invisalign® GOLD provider as well and has brought his elite expertise to Dubai not only to enjoy the sun, sea, and sand but also to offer his brand of personalized smile makeovers.



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