Three Things That Indicate you Might Need a New Sofa

A sofa is what allows you to relax in your living room – from spending time with family and friends to enjoying a glass of wine and a good film on your own, your sofa needs to be comfortable and also is a part of the décor of your room. Sofas are a well-used piece of furniture, so eventually a time will come when you need to replace it.

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Although a sofa can be a big expense, there are ways to get a new sofa that makes it easier to manage, such as these pay weekly sofas so you won’t have to spend a lump sum in one big go.

Here are some of the signs that it may be time to change your sofa…

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It is Making Some Strange Noises – If you are finding that it is cracking, creaking or groaning when it is being sat on, then it definitely needs to be replaced.

You Have Moved House and the Living Room is Different – If you have moved and the living room is a different size or shape, then your old sofa may not be suited to the living room and may not even fit into it properly.

The Fabric is Looking Tatty – Over time and lots of use a sofa becomes worn and may start to look tatty or frayed. You can get it reupholstered, but if it is quite old it sometimes is better to get a new one.

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