A school website is a valuable resource for staff, parents and students, but it is important to know what you need to put on there to make sure that it is performing as well as it can be. To get a professional and good quality school website, you should get someone who specialises in designing websites for schools like this https://www.fsedesign.co.uk/websites-for-schools to design it. Here are some of the things that you should include…
First of all, there are certain things that OFSTED requires you to have on the website, so you need to make sure that these are included on there. You can see the full list of requirements here https://www.gov.uk/guidance/what-maintained-schools-must-publish-online
It includes information like the school contact details, previous OFSTED reports, the curriculum, the complaints procedure, information about school governors and the school admissions procedure.
A school website is also something that is valuable for helping parents to plan and organise what is going on at the school, so a calendar of events is also helpful. As well as including important dates such as the start and end of term, it should also include inset days, dates when school trips are arranged, school events like fayres and also exam dates. As well as making it easy for parents to find the information, it also means that you are not going to have parents having to contact the school to find out when certain events are happening.
Parents like to know what has been going on at the school and also parents who are considering sending their child to the school will also find a school news page useful. Putting a regularly updated news page on the site can give parents an insight into life at the school, what has been going on and give a good impression of the school to others.
Homework help is also very useful to put on the website. When doing homework, having notes from previous lessons will help the children to find what they are looking for and they can easily access what they need from home. This also means that if they are off school for any reason, they can stay up to date with homework and what has been going on in the lessons that they have missed.