Is Your Water Safe?

Most of us take our water for granted because we have it available to us whenever we want with easy access by turning on the taps in our homes. It can shock us when we hear about the water-borne diseases such as Cholera, killing people in poorer countries. You may remember the floods of 2007 in the UK when our water was unsafe to use, it was hard to believe for some because we are so used to the water being clean. There are millions of people that work behind the scenes making sure our water is safe and clean wherever we go in the UK. Jobs that may seem unpleasant to many such as working in the sewage systems are actually the most important jobs around, as it prevents what could be mass fatal consequences of water contamination. Caretakers in schools and people in charge of the maintenance of buildings will also have had to have taken courses in how to check the water is safe and prevent possible illnesses such as Legionnaires’ disease.

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If you turn on your taps one day and find that the water coming is a strange colour, dirty, or has other materials coming out with it that shouldn’t be, what do you do? The most important thing to not do is to drink it. Do not drink water that appears to be dirty, and if there are materials in it that shouldn’t be, do not try to filter it. The first thing you should do is call an emergency plumber. If you live in Gloucestershire, and need to contact an Emergency Plumber Gloucester, visit If your water is dirty or slightly brown, it can be a sign that your pipe is broken, meaning materials from outside are entering your pipes. It could be a sign that the pipes are rusty on the inside. It is crucial that you call an emergency plumber to identify the problem. If it isn’t too serious, they will be able to fix it, but it may be that your pipes need relining.

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There are many dangers associated with a broken or burst pipe, including flooding. This can be very hazardous so if the water is dirty and there is flooding, you should take the following steps:

  1. Turn off and unplug any electric appliances.
  2. Take any important documents you need such as your birth certificates, passports, and home insurance documents.
  3. Leave the house, and make sure other household members including pets are outside too.
  4. Call an emergency plumber or if the flooding is happening very quickly, call the emergency fire services.
  5. Ask your neighbours if they are having problems with their water too. If not, the pipe affected is only at your house.

Do not hesitate when your water is dirty. React fast in order to prevent possible life-threatening effects. If you have children, keep an eye on them to make sure that they do not use or drink the water. Do not try boiling it. Fortunately, water is sold in the shops so you can buy that temporarily until yours is fixed.