How to deal with a shrunken wool jumper

Discovering that your beloved wool jumper has shrunk can be a frustrating experience, but there are ways to potentially restore it to its former size and condition.

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Assess the damage

The first thing you need to do is confirm that your jumper has indeed shrunk by comparing it to its original size. The reason woollen jumpers can shrink is due to the presence of surface scales on the wool fibres, which respond to the combination of heat, moisture and movement within a washing machine.

Avoid panic washing

Do not attempt to stretch the jumper back to its original size by simply washing it again. This is unlikely to work and may further damage the fibres; instead, fill a sink with lukewarm water and add a mild wool detergent. Avoid hot or cold water, as this can worsen the shrinkage. Ensure the detergent is suitable for wool and does not contain enzymes or harsh chemicals that could harm the fibres.

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Soak and stretch the jumper

Submerge the shrunken jumper in the soapy water, gently pressing it down to ensure it is fully saturated. While the jumper is still submerged, start gently stretching it back to its original shape. Be patient and avoid pulling too forcefully, as this can damage the fibres. Allow the jumper to soak for about 30 minutes.

Rinse and reshape

Drain the soapy water, refill the basin with lukewarm water, and gently press the water out without twisting or wringing the garment. Lay the damp jumper flat on a dry towel and roll the jumper and towel together to absorb any excess moisture. Reshape the jumper to its original size and dimensions and leave it to air dry naturally. Avoid hanging it or using heat sources, as excessive heat can further shrink the wool.

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While there is no guarantee that these steps will completely reverse the shrinking of your woollen jumper, they offer a chance to salvage your favourite piece of clothing.

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