What is the best way to whiten your teeth at home? Summing up

Home remedies for the purpose of lightening the shade of enamel are good because they are generally available. Their price is not higher than a few tens of rubles and most of the ingredients are always in the refrigerator or in the medicine cabinet. To determine what the best way to whiten at home is, you need to decide what criteria it should meet. Let’s highlight such important points:

  • The effectiveness of the tool;
  • Safety for enamel;
  • Ease of use.

If you review each of the described recipes according to these criteria, then you can choose the best of them.

Efficiency is distinguished by those ingredients that have strong elements in their composition. This is lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide, coconut oil and vinegar. They have an active bleaching effect, which is visible right after the procedure. But most of them still have a negative effect on enamel.

If we consider safe methods for the health of teeth and oral cavity, then we will include such ingredients, which can be safely used every day. This peel of a banana or orange, turmeric, aloe vera, basil leaves and solid foods. Relatively safe and considered to be coconut oil, and activated charcoal, although they are not recommended to use every day.

But for ease of use and accessibility, all means are equally good. But the easiest are just enough to take for rinsing or add to the toothpaste during daily cleansing. This is aloe vera, coconut oil, lemon juice, tea tree oil, activated carbon, banana peel, vinegar, soda, salt in a simple form, and also solid foods.

Having reconsidered all the ways, coconut milk stands out in a special way. It is safe for the mouth, it is easy to apply and the whitening effect is quite noticeable, especially if you use it on an ongoing basis. Although all other options also have the right to exist. Which one is best suited to your needs – try to try each of them.

Activated charcoal

Despite its black color, activated charcoal is used for teeth whitening. According to activated charcoal reviews, it contains potassium hydroxide, and it is these crystals that can brighten the enamel and clean the tooth surface qualitatively. For such purposes, any ash of natural origin – burnt wood, charred sandalwood stick, even black baked an eggplant! For the whitening effect, the following variations of the recipes are used:

  • Activated charcoal, ground into powder, is diluted with warm water to a state of thick mash. After brushing your teeth in this way, you should rinse them or treat them additionally with a daily remedy.
  • And you can immediately sprinkle one shredded tablet directly on the toothpaste, which was going to clean the mouth. After the procedure, rinse thoroughly.
  • With the combination of activated carbon with lemon juice, the whitening effect will only increase. They are also mixed to a consistency, so that it can easily be applied to the teeth. Then rinse the mouth well.

Use activated charcoal 1-2 times a week. Although it is a safe tool, unable to damage the enamel. Its advantage is that it absorbs all bacteria even from hard-to-reach places, thus bringing a healing effect to the dentition. As a result, the smile becomes not only dazzling, but also healthy.

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